In conversation with Maria Ressa and Alison Phillips

4 November, 2022

Date: Wednesday 23 November

Time: 8.45-10.15am

Venue: University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street

Women in Journalism is honoured to host Nobel prize-winning investigative journalist Maria Ressa, who will be in conversation with WiJ chair and Daily Mirror editor, Alison Phillips.

Ressa, who is a dual Philippine and US citizen, won the most prestigious journalism accolade in 2021 for her “courageous fight for freedom of expression” in the face of an authoritarian government. She will discuss misinformation fuelled by social media giants and how journalists can fight institutionalised corruption.

She founded the Rappler online news site in the Philippines. She was the first in the WiJ series of interviews with women journalists under threat

Ressa will also discuss her new book How to Stand Up to a Dictator: The Fight for Our Future published by Penguin, an inspiring memoir of her career holding power to account.

Refreshments supported by the Journalists’ Charity from 8.30.  Book HERE

Journalists’ charity supporters £5 ( plus event brite fee)

Non members £20 ( plus event brite fee)

The Women in Journalism ‘ Journalists under threat’ series began with Maria Ressa 2 weeks before she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  Read about her and the other journalists around the world HERE