Each year we help hundreds of journalists struggling through tough times with advice, support, and financial assistance.

Over the past 5 years, the charity has awarded over £1.5 million to journalists and former journalists from every part of the industry, often when they had nowhere else to turn preventing dozens of journalists and their families from losing their homes, while hundreds of others received emergency assistance to pay the bills and keep food on the table.

“I can’t actually put into words what this means. I have tears in my eyes. Your help has done so much I can’t really say”

Al, Broadcaster and writer, Midlands.

The charities First Jobs Fund supports journalists who are just starting-out, offering financial assistance for work related costs such as relocation, accommodation, and equipment.

Our coveted special awards recognise individuals who have made an outstanding commitment and contribution to journalism, while our popular nationwide events offer the opportunity for journalists to socialise, network and hone their skills.


“The pandemic took everything away and I was left with nothing. Your support has meant everything for me. Thank you for caring.”

Linda, writer, London


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