Special St Bride’s service – audio available.

25 March, 2022

Industry colleagues across all media came together at St Bride’s Church for a service of commemoration and support for journalists and photographers reporting from Ukraine. The service, called ‘Under Fire: Journalists and Ukraine’, was supported by the Journalists’ Charity and The London Press Club.

Caroline Wyatt, Charity Ambassador and former BBC defence and war correspondent and now a presenter on Radio 4’s PM programme, gave a reflection of reporting experiences in support of journalists and their teams covering the war in Ukraine. Patrick Kidd, diary editor at The Times, and Timothy Worledge, Editor Director of Fastmarkets Agriculture, gave readings.

The service was led by the Reverend Canon Dr Alison Joyce, Rector of St Bride’s, supported by the St Bride’s ChoirRaphael Wallfisch, the internationally renowned cellist, performed a solo.

Listen to the podcast HERE