One year on from the launch of a unique assistance scheme to support new starters, the Journalists’ Charity is renewing its commitment to future talent.
Since April 2021, the charity has received dozens of applications from new journalists from across the UK – approving cash assistance grants to help with housing and relocation as well as travel and adaptation costs.
With record levels of graduate debt and the increasing cost of living, the first jobs fund offers financial assistance to new journalists in any sector nationwide.
Jacob (pictured above) was given support for travel expenses to help start his new job as a reporter. Finn was awarded help for wheelchair adaptations at his new apartment close to the office. Hema received assistance to help move from the north of England to her new role in London.
The charity’s Chief Executive, James Brindle said: “We can’t remove every single barrier and obstacle for new journalists, but we do have a part to play. Over the last year the scheme has proved that the charity’s intervention can make the difference between someone accepting a job in journalism or even staying in the industry. That helps the individual and helps to protect the future of journalism.”
To qualify for support through the first jobs fund, applicants must be new to working in journalism, or have a job offer, and be able to demonstrate a genuine financial need.
”I am really grateful for your kind support which is going to make a huge difference as I start my new job. It really means a lot to me. Thank you!”
Aida Aslani, FJF recipient