Thanks for your submission.
Diolch am eich cais.

  • Entries for work between 1 June 2023 and 31 May 2024
  • A reminder that the closing date for entries is 12 July 2024
  • The shortlist of finalists will be announced in September
  • Information on how to purchase tickets for the awards dinner will be announced in due course
  • We look forward to seeing you at the Wales Media Awards 2024 at Cardiff’s Parkgate Hotel on 15 November
  • Ceisiadau am waith rhwng 1 Mehefin 2023 a 31 Mai 2024
  • I atgoffa y dyddiad cau am ceisiadau yw 12 Goffennaf 2024
  • Cyhoeddir rhestr fer y rownd derfynol ym mis Medi
  • Bydd gwybodaeth ar sut i brynu tocynnau ar gyfer y cinio gwobrwyo yn cael ei chyhoeddi maes o law
  • Edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld yng Ngwobrau Cyfryngau Cymru yng Ngwesty Parkgate Caerdydd ar 15 Tachwedd

Further information/ gwybodaeth pellach: 

Elis Owen

Huw Rossiter

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